2020 CNS/Calea Annual Conference
Travel Award Program
Travel Award Program – Overview
The Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS), thanks to the funding from Calea, is pleased to offer two (2) travel awards to PhD or MD/PhD students, and post-doctoral/medical/clinical fellows. This award aims to defray costs associated with attending the 2020 CNS Annual Conference being held in Edmonton, AB.
Funds Available
Each recipient will receive up to $1,000 to help offset costs related to registration, travel, accommodation, and ground transportation.
Candidates wishing to submit an application must be in clinical practice (RD, RN, pharmacist, or MD) and / or involved in research related to TPN. Priority will be given to candidates who are attending the conference for the purpose of presenting data (paper or poster presentation) from a TPN related project on a first-author or presenter basis.
Application Submissions - All applications must include:
- Applicant CV
- Project summary (including relevance to TPN)
- Budget (outlining funding required)
- Supervisor letter of support
All applications must be submitted to the CNS National Office by Monday, March 2, 2020
By Email: awards@cns-scn.ca
Review Process
A CNS Sub-committee has been established to review the applications and select the two awardees.
- Application Deadline: March 2, 2020
- Results announced: March 10, 2020
- CNS Annual Conference dates: May 7 to 9. 2020 - Edmonton, AB
Payment process
Acceptance letters will outline the funding process to submit expenses for repayment (to a maximum of $1,000/award). Official CNS expense forms (including original receipts) and banking information must be submitted within three weeks of the completion of the conference to enable reimbursement.
Thanks to our sponsor: