CNS 2018: 100% Juice Consumption and Dietary Benefits

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100% Juice Consumption And Dietary Benefits - What Does The Evidence Say?

The consumption of 100% fruit juice is an often-discussed topic, however analyzing the role that it plays as a part of many diets is a topic of ongoing study and research. Through this research, we can better understand the connections between individual's health and the inclusion of 100% fruit juice in their diet.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this symposium, attendees will be able to:

  1. Understand the impact of incorporating 100% juice in diets
  2. Assess the strength of the scientific evidence on the effects of 100% juice in the diet
  3. Identify gaps in the literature and highlight future research needs related to 100% juice

John Sievenpiper: Fruit and fruit juice as a source of sugars in cardiometabolic health: A cause for concern?

Sugars have become a focus of intense public health concern. This has led some to question the role of fruit and fruit juice as a source of sugars in the prevention of non-communicable diseases. We have conducted a series of CIHR and Diabetes Canada-funded systematic reviews and meta-analyses to assess the relation of important food sources of sugars with cardiometabolic diseases. We have found that any adverse association between sugars and cardiometabolic diseases is highly dependent on the food source and energy balance. Unlike sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit and fruit juice do not show adverse associations and even show protective associations with public health important cardiometabolic outcomes such as hypertension,stroke, CHD mortality, and stroke mortality.

Lynn Moore: Effects of Early Fruit Juice Consumpion on Adolescent Diet Quality

Consumption of fruit juice during early childhood is controversial and thought by some to lead to excess intakes of calorie-dense sweetened beverages at older ages. We used two longitudinal data sets to study the impacts of fruit juice consumption on later adolescent diet: the Framingham Children's Study (FCS) (3-5 year-old children, followed 10 years) and the National Growth and Health Study (NGHS) (9-10 year old girls, followed 10 years). In FCS, preschoolers who drank ≥1.0 cup of 100% fruit juice daily (vs. <0.5 cup/day) consumed 0.9 cup/day more total fruit (p<0.0001) and 0.5 cup/day more whole fruit (p<0.0001), and were >3 times as likely to meet USDA Dietary Guidelines for fruit consumption (p<0.05) as adolescents. In NGHS, pre-adolescent girls who drank ≥1.0 cup/day of 100% fruit juice (vs. non-juice drinkers) consumed 0.44 more cups/day of total fruit at ages 17-20 (p<.0001) and had higher diet quality scores for both total fruit (p<0.0001) and whole fruit (p=0.0009). In fact, diet quality increased linearly with increasing pre-adolescent juice consumption. Some racial differences were evident, with black girls being more likely to fall short of Dietary Guideline recommendations for fruit. White pre-adolescent girls drinking ≥1.0 cup/day of juice were 2.6 times as likely (95% CI: 1.5-4.3) to meet recommendations for whole fruit intake; blacks consuming comparable amounts of juice were 1.8 times as likely (95% CI: 1.0-3.3). Taken together, these studies suggest that early fruit juice consumption increases the likelihood of higher whole fruit intakes and higher diet quality scores during later adolescence.

Moderator: Robert Bertolo, Memorial University, Newfoundland


***Original Source: "2018 Annual Conference", Thursday, May 3, 2018

Length: 1:16:28

Type: Video

Last Updated: June 21, 2018

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CNS 2018: 100% Juice Consumption and Dietary Benefits Video
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