Saturated Fat and Cardiometabolic Risk

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The extent to which a high intake of saturated fat (SFA) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has become a controversial topic. Dietary SFA primarily raise LDL-cholesterol, while having relatively neutral impact on other key CVD risk factors. Recent epidemiological data is also challenging the concept that SFA increase the risk of CVD. Meta-analysis of data from early intervention studies has suggested that replacement of dietary SFA by PUFA (mostly linoleic acid) reduces the risk for CHD. On the other hand, meta-analyses of population studies have failed to find an association between dietary SFA intake and the risk of CHD. More recently, higher intakes of SFA from dairy have actually been associated with a lower CHD risk. This has emphasized the importance of considering the food matrix from which dietary SFA are provided when assessing cardiovascular outcomes. Focussing on SFA in dietary guidelines may not have yielded full benefits in terms of cardiovascular prevention.

Dr. Benoit Lamarche, PhD
Laval Univeristy

Benoît Lamarche, PhD is Full Professor at the School of Nutrition and Chair of Nutrition at Laval University. He has published more than 270 peer-reviewed papers in areas related to diet and its impact on metabolic syndrome, obesity, inflammation and dyslipidemia. His research on the association between small dense LDL particles and the risk of CHD, on the effect of trans fat from industrial and ruminant sources on blood lipids and on Mediterranean diet is highly cited. He has also recently developed a research interest in sport nutrition. He has received numerous awards, including awards from the Société Québécoise de lipidologie, nutrition et métabolisme (Prix des Fondateurs, 2013), the Canadian Nutrition Society (Centrum New Investigator Award, 2011), the Utrech Group and the International Dairy Federation (Wiebe Visser Bi-annual International Nutrition Award, 2004). Benoît Lamarche is an Olympian (1984,1988) in long track speed skating.

***Original Source: "2016 CNS Thematic Conference", Saturday, January 16, 2016

Length: 32:46

Type: Video

Last Updated: March 17, 2016

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Saturated Fat and Cardiometabolic Risk Video
Saturated Fat and Cardiometabolic Risk File
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