What Should Be the Dietary Recommendation for Salt/Sodium?

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There are sharply contrasting opinions in the scientific literature surrounding the recommendation to reduce dietary sodium intakes. On the one hand, current Canadian recommendations are for an Adequate Intake of 1.5 g/day, and an Upper Level recommendation of 2.3 g/d. On the other hand, recent publications indicate that sodium intakes at Adequate Intake levels may be associated with increased mortality. In this debate session, Dr. Mary L'Abbé and Dr. Alexandra Kazaks will provide evidence for and against, respectively, recommendations to reduce sodium intake in the Canadian population.

Harold Aukema, PhD
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB

Mary L'Abbé, PhD
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON

Alexandra Kazaks, PhD, RD
Bastyr University
Washington, USA

*** Original Source: CNS Annual Conference - St. John's, Newfoundland - June 4-6, 2014

Length: 66:38

Type: Video

Last Updated: March 3, 2015

Name Type
Dr. Harold Aukema - Introduction Video
Dr. Mary L’Abbè - Presentation Video
Dr. Alexandra Kazaks - Presentation Video
Debate Video
© 2024 CNS-SCN - Canadian Nutrition Society