Why Invest in Implementation Research? Contributions and Opportunities in Nutrition

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Speaker: Naomi Cahill RD PhD

The observation of persistent and significant gaps between global nutrition targets and actual achievements has stimulated interest about how we translate the current evidence base and positive collective will into high quality and sustainable implementation and impact at-scale. Implementation Science (IS) offers an opportunity for multiple stakeholders to engage in collaborative and sustainable efforts to advance our understanding of how nutrition interventions can work in 'real-world' settings. This interest also led to the founding of the Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition (SISN) in 2016.

Webinar Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  1. Define the challenges faced by practitioners and researchers implementing nutrition knowledge into effective action.
  2. Describe the rationale, key concepts, frameworks and principles for Implementation Science in Nutrition (ISN).
  3. Identify the five domains affecting quality implementation and the four phases of the implementation process.
  4. Provide examples of how Implementation Research (IR) can be used to enhance outcomes in different settings.

About the Speaker:

Naomi Cahill RD PhD
Content and Communications Manager
Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition

Naomi Cahill is a registered dietitian with over 15 years' experience in clinical, community, academic, and non-profit settings. She completed her Doctorate in Epidemiology in the Department of Public Health Sciences at Queens University, Kingston. Her thesis focused on knowledge translation, specifically optimizing nutrition therapy in critically ill patients through implementation of clinical practice guideline recommendations. Naomi is currently the Content and Communications Manager for the Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition, a new global society dedicated to improving nutrition implementation world-wide. Naomi has over 50 peer reviewed publications and podium presentations at national and international conferences.

** Original Source: "CNS Education Webinars" Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Type: File

Last Updated: April 3, 2019

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Why Invest In Implementation Research? Contributions and Opportunities in Nutrition File
Why Invest in Implementation Research? Contributions and Opportunities in Nutrition Video
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