Our Work to Date
October 6 2019 : Introductory CMRN Meeting online
A great start to this exciting network in which 16 members expressed interest for joining the network and to sharing their personal research expertise and share research interests.
January 23 2020: CMRN Meeting online
Introduced the plan to undertake a Delphi Process on agreement on a core set of indicators for the next phase of studies.
February 23 2020: Knowledge Translation presentation
Dr. Sharon E. Straus, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Tire 1 Canada Research Chair, St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto.
March-April 2020: CRMN Meetings online
Undertook Delphi Process for agreement on outcomes and measures from existing studies in cardiometabolic research and gaps in current research.
February to July 2020: Modified Delphi process
Results reviewed with members, revised and finalized
November 24 2020: Big Data-New Resources for Health Researchers Webinar (hosted by Canadian Nutrition Society)
Speakers: Michelle Greiver MD, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, University of Toronto Practice Based Research Network (UTOPIAN) and Kim McGrail PhD, MPH, School of Population and Public Health and Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, UBC.
December 11 2020: Cardiometabolic Research Network Workshop (hosted by Canadian Nutrition Society)
One day workshop for CMRN members to provide an opportunity to review current evidence and practice and to brainstorm about advancing the agenda of implementation research. Sessions: Funding Opportunities, Current Projects, Patients Engagement Strategies, Policy Maker Perspectives and Breakout session on How to Collaborate to Advance Research.
March 25 2021: Obesity, cardiometabolic conditions and COVID-19: Addressing a Growing Health burden Webinar (hosted by Canadian Nutrition Society)
Speakers: Paula Brauer, PhD, RD, FDC, University of Guelph and Doug Klein, MD, FCFP, MSc. University of Alberta