Nudging Knowledge into Action: Behavioural Economics and Cost Benefit Analysis in Food, Agriculture and Health Systems

The 2017 Workshop explored the theme: Nudging Knowledge into Action: Behavioural Economics and Cost Benefit Analysis in Food, Agriculture and Health Systems. Objectives were:

  1. Gain an understanding of behavioural economics and how this emerging field combining psychology and economics influences knowledge mobilization in nutrition, agriculture and health research, and potential strategies to further the food for health agenda through these approaches.
  2. Explore opportunities to transfer our food and agriculture knowledge into health policy and interventions via cost-benefit analysis and behavioural economics.
  3. Examine the various pulls and pushes that influence decisions at consumer, institution and whole food system levels.
  4. Determine opportunities and limitations of economic approaches to food, agriculture and health research.

THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2017 - 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
9:00 AM Welcomeand History of Food for Health- Dr. David Ma, CNS/University of Guelph
9:10 AM Food for Health Survey Results - Dr. David Ma, CNS
Behavioural Economics - 'Nudges'
9:30 AM Nudging Food Health
Speaker Dr. Richard Williams, Mercatus Centre, George Mason University
10:10 AM Using Language as a Motivational Strategy to Increase Pulses Consumption and Improve Healthier Behaviours
Speaker: Joanna Castellano, Q: Quest Inc.
10:50 AM Break
11:15 AM Nudging Better Dietary Choices with Different Types of Information 
Speaker: Ellen Goddard, University of Alberta
12:00 PM Lunch and Networking 
Cost Benefit Analysis - 'Pulls'
1:00 PM Is a New Agri-Food/Health Partnership Possible?, 
Speaker David McInnes, Principal, DMci Strategies
1:40 PM The Cost-Effectiveness of Oral Nutrition Supplementation for Malnourished Older Hospital Patients: Analysis of the NOURISH Study
Speaker: Scott Goates, Abbott Nutrition
2:20 PM Break
2:40 PM Nudging Nutrition Action: Unravelling Food Labelling's Potential
Speaker: Alfred Aziz, Health Canada
3:20 PM Panel Discussion
4:10 PM Concluding Remarks
Dr. David Ma, CNS/University of Guelph
4:30 PM Adjournment and CNS Annual Conference Opening Reception

The CNS Food for Health Workshop is a partnership of:



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